Official Club documents

Our Constitution: Club Constitution (PDF, 86KB).
Our rules and etiquette policy: Rules and Etiquette (PDF, 90KB)
Our social media policy: Social Media Policy (PDF, 51KB)
Our standing procedures for field setup and safety: Standing Procedures (PDF, 507KB)
Archery GB’s policies (Code of Conduct, Data Protection, etc.): Policy Documents | Archery GB (external link)

Club Records

These are the highest scores in our archives for the various rounds our members have shot.
Men’s records as of June 2023: Club Records, Men, June 2023 (PDF, 38KB)
Women’s records as of June 2023: Club Records, Women, June 2023 (PDF, 39KB)

Rounds, Scoring and Awards

A guide to shooting rounds, establishing a handicap, and working towards classifications: Introduction to Rounds, Awards and Handicaps (PDF, 185KB).
We encourage all members, especially new ones, to have a look at this. Printable score sheets for the suggested rounds, and many others, are available below.
As scores need checking, it is essential that a score sheet is submitted to the records officer within one month of the shooting date. This can be on paper, as a photo of the score sheet attached to an email or by using one of the archery scoring apps. All paper score sheets handed in will be returned in a reasonable amount of time.

A guide to scoring both imperial and metric rounds: A Guide to Scoring (PDF, 216KB)
Outdoor rounds and classification tables: Outdoor Classifications and Handicaps | Archery GB (external link)
Indoor rounds and classification tables: Indoor Classifications and Handicaps | Archery GB (external link)

Our 252 award scheme: 252 Award Scheme rules (PDF, 40KB)
Various archery award schemes: Awards, Records and Achievements (PDF, 431KB). We currently offer awards for Archery GB Outdoor, Archery GB Indoor, Blaze, 252, and Frostbite.
Information about various events and competitions: Competitions and Fun Shoots (PDF, 100KB)

Club Score Sheets


252s for recurve, barebow, longbow and compound: 252s (PDF, 44KB)

Outdoor Imperial

York and Bristols 1 to 5: Bristols (PDF, 51KB)
Windsors: St. George, Long Windsor, Windsor, 50, 40, 30: Windsors (PDF, 53KB)
Westerns: New, Long, Western, 50, 40, 30: Westerns (PDF, 50KB)
Nationals: New, Long, National, 50, 40, 30: Nationals (PDF, 49KB)
Warwicks: New, Long, Warwick, 50, 40, 30: Warwicks (PDF, 53KB)
American and St. Nicholas: Others (PDF, 39KB)

Outdoor Metric

WA 1440 and Metrics 1 to 5: Metrics (PDF, 54KB)
Long Metric 90m and Long Metrics 1 to 5: Long Metrics (PDF, 49KB)
Short Metrics 1 to 5: Short Metrics (PDF, 46KB)
WA Standard, WA 900, WA 70m to 50m, and AGB 122s and 80s: WAs, 122s, 80s (PDF, 64KB)


Bray 1 and 2, Portsmouth, Stafford, Vegas, Vegas 300, Worcester, WA Combined, WA 25m, and WA 18m: Indoor (PDF, 64KB)


Frostbite: Frostbite (PDF, 35KB)